About therapies
Examinations are scheduled and last 30-60 minutes. If you have any x-ray images or other findings related to your problem, please bring them with you. The examination is performed by Dr Marina Markova, an orthopedic surgeon specialist in chiropractics and acupressure.
Description of the therapy
The treatment consists of specific therapeutic back massage (the science of Eastern medicine), chest wall and sternum in the supine position, and then your neck and back in a sitting position. Depending on the condition of the body, the first couple of therapies can be quite painful.
The treatment also includes lymphatic drainage where the circulation of the blood and lymph is increased, which in turn helps to flush out toxins and excess of water from the body. The kidneys are purified which can lead to the ejection of sand or stones.
The therapy lasts for about 30 minutes, and to some extent it is adapted to the age, physical condition and built of the patient. After the first treatment, a mild inflammation may occur in the muscles. Every second or third day, a treatment of restoring the elasticity of the carotid is performed.
Certain ailments require a precise chiropractic procedure that isn’t painful, and creates a sense of relaxation and comfort. The therapeutic massage is done by several therapists as well as Dr Markova. The chiropractics is done exclusively by Dr Markova.
Physical therapy

In addition to the therapeutic massage and chiropractic (if it’s necessary), physical therapy is done with the latest generation of devices from ENRAF NONIUS, which is a phenomenal combination of modern western as well as traditional Chinese medicine.
By getting treated with physical therapy, patients are relieved of their pain, increasing the circulation and improving the condition of the tissue. Furthermore, analgesics are used, antispasmodics that with the aid of certain currents are put deep into the tissue, directly at the painful area. Physical therapy is balanced for each patient, depending on the degree of damage and the type of ailment. It consists of:
+ Galvanic currents
+ Diadynamic currents
+ Interference currents
+ Russian currents
+ Electrostimulation
+ Micro currents
+ Laser therapy
+ Magnet therapy
+ Ultrasound therapy
Physical therapy is done solely by physiotherapists and prescribed by prim dr Bosiljka Marić.
Kinematic taping

Kinematic taping is a complementary therapy concept applying high quality elastic adhesive bandages within assessment-related, evidence-supported overall management of somatic symptoms and movement disorders and within the scope of the actual paradigms in sports medicine and orthopaedic manipulative physiotherapy.

With an individual approach, we adapt to each patient’s problem. Kinesitherapy involves the application of movement for therapeutic purposes. It is also used to solve problems caused by some injury or chronic diseases, but also as a prevention because it has proven to have a strong immune system. The goal of kinesitherapy is: muscle strength, increasing range of motion, improving endurance and coordination of movements.
Gua Sha

„Gua“ means scraping, „sha“ means bruise, subcutaneous bleeding, „sand“. In full translation, it would mean „scraping to get disease out of the body, through the sandy surface.“ When guasha is applicated, there is some transient subcutaneous bleeding, bursting of weak capillaries and it increases circulation, also has anti inflammatory effect and releases toxins. Also it affects receptors in the skin and reduces sensitivity and pain.

Cupping is ancient way of healing, it is first mentioned in ancient Egypt in 1500 bce, where therapist put cups on skin, which creates vacuum to reduce pain, inflammation, increase circulation, and it can be used as form of massage. To avoid skin burns, instead creating vacuum with fire, we use special pump for vacuum, and healing with cups is completely safe.